SIPP charges
Your self-invested personal pension (SIPP) is available as part of the Plus plan for just £11.99 per month.
With low monthly fees and commission-free investing, your retirement savings can grow without your fees growing too.
Capital at risk. Please remember tax relief depends on your personal circumstances and current rules can change. Other charges apply. See pricing table.
SIPP is a pension product designed for people who want to make their own investment decisions. You can normally only access the money from age 55 (57 from 2028). Before transferring a pension please ensure that you will not lose valuable guarantees or incur excessive transfer penalties.

How much will a Freetrade SIPP cost?
For more info, see our SIPP documents: SIPP Key Features Document, Terms and Conditions, Charges Schedule and SIPP Declarations.
SIPP fees comparison with other providers
Your SIPP is included as part our Plus plan for just £11.99 per month. With a simple and low monthly fee, your pension pot can grow without your fees growing too.

(per holding)

Before you transfer: Check before you transfer a pension to us that we can accept your investments, you won’t lose any guarantees, and that you know what charges you may incur. Seek advice if you are unsure about making a transfer. Always do your own research.
Pensions that are transferred to the Freetrade SIPP may lose the protected pension age benefit, if applicable to you, meaning that you will need to wait longer until you can draw monies from your Freetrade SIPP. Please ensure you know what this means for you and the effect it may have on you and your savings.
Freetrade won't charge you to transfer your pension to us, but please check with your existing provider what fees or restrictions may apply from them. We cannot provide you with any advice therefore it is your responsibility to ensure you are happy that transferring to the Freetrade Pension is right for you.
If you're unsure if transferring your pension to Freetrade is right, you should take advice from a suitably qualified financial adviser. For more info, see our SIPP Key Features Document, Terms and Conditions, Charges Schedule and SIPP Declarations.
Comparison Disclosure ⓘ
Comparisons to other SIPP providers are based on our understanding of their published costs on their websites as at 31 July 2024, for trading shares and ETFs within a SIPP account. They are shown for illustrative purposes only. For confirmation of their up to date charges and product information, you should visit their websites.
Hargreaves Lansdown:
SIPP account charges are 0.45% of the value of shares in your account, capped at £200/yr. Fee per trade reduces depending on the number of trades in the previous month to £8.95 per trade for 10-19 trades, and £5.95 for 20 or more trades. The FX fee reduces on a tiered scale, based on transaction value: 1% for the first £5,000, 0.75% for the next £5,000, 0.50% for the next £10,000, and 0.25% for anything above £20,000.
Interactive Investor:
Based on the Pension Essentials plan, which allows for a maximum portfolio size of £50,000 and charges a £5.99/mo account fee. For portfolios above £50,000, customers are automatically moved on to the Pension Builder plan, with a £12.99 monthly account fee. The FX fee reduces on a tiered scale, based on transaction value: 1.25% for trades between £25,000 - £49,999, 1.0% for trades between £50,000 - £99,999.99, 0.50% for trades between £100,000 - £599,999, and 0.25% for trades of £600,000 or more.
AJ Bell:
SIPP account charges 0.25% of the value of the shares in your account, capped at £10/mo. Each share or ETF trade is £5.00. Fee per trade reduces to £3.50 when 10 or more trades are done in the previous month. The FX fee reduces on a tiered scale, based on transaction value: 0.75% for the first £10,000, 0.50% for £10,001 - £20,000, and 0.25% for anything over £20,000.

Start saving for your future today. Download the app, choose the Plus plan and open your SIPP account in minutes.

Transfer SIPP
Head to the app, choose the Plus plan, open a SIPP account and click ‘Transfer a pension’.
Before transferring your pension to Freetrade, make sure it is the right action for you to take. Some people speak to a financial advisor to help them make this decision.
SIPP charges FAQs
Your SIPP comes as part of our Plus plan for £11.99 per month. You’ll be charged on the day of the month you sign up for a plan and that same day each month after that.
No, there is no transfer in fee when moving your pension from another provider to Freetrade. However, your current SIPP provider may charge, so please check with them directly.
To close your Plus plan or downgrade to a Standard plan, you’ll have to transfer your SIPP to another provider first. This is because SIPPs are a bit different to other investment accounts and operate under slightly different rules.
You can only cancel or close a SIPP within the first 30 days of opening it. After this point your SIPP cannot be closed and the pot of money you’ve built up will be preserved until you reach the age at which you’re allowed to access your pension (currently 55).
To cancel within the first 30 days of opening your Plus plan, let us know through the in-app chat within the 30 day cancellation period. When you cancel within the first 30 days we will refund any account fees taken.
For more information take a look at SIPP key features.
Have questions? Email us at or reach out via in-app chat.
Simple pricing plans
Choose how you'd like to pay:
Save 17%
Save 17%
- Commission-free trades (other charges may apply. See full pricing table.)
- Trade USD & EUR stocks at the exchange rate + a 0.99% FX fee
- Fractional US Shares
- Access to more than 4,700 stocks, including the most popular shares and ETFs
- 1% AER on up to £1,000 uninvested cash
£59.88 billed annually
Billed monthly
Everything in Basic, plus:
- Full range of over 6,200 US, UK and EU stocks and ETFs
- Trade USD & EUR stocks at the exchange rate + a 0.59% FX fee
- Automated order types, including recurring orders
- Advanced stock fundamentals
- 3% AER on up to £2,000 uninvested cash
£119.88 billed annually
Billed monthly
Everything in Standard, plus:
- Trade USD & EUR stocks at the exchange rate + a 0.39% FX fee
- Priority customer service
- Freetrade Web beta
- 5% AER on up to £3,000 uninvested cash