Most traded ETFs
Discover the most popular exchange-traded funds (ETFs) on the Freetrade app, ranked by the total value of buy orders.
The data is based on our customer activity and it should not be taken as a personal recommendation to buy or sell any particular instrument. Individual investors should make their own decisions or seek independent advice. When you invest, your capital is at risk.

Why invest in ETFs with Freetrade
Commission-free investing
Over one million users
Over 6,200 UK and US stocks and ETFs
When you invest, your capital is at risk. See our full pricing table.
What can I invest in?
See which are the most traded shares by the total value of buy orders over the past week on the Freetrade app.
Invest in thousands of companies listed on the LSE, NYSE, NASDAQ and across Europe.
Choose from a wide range of exchange-traded funds covering index funds, stock and bond ETFs from providers like Vanguard, iShares and Invesco, as well as HSBC and Xtrackers.
Diversify your investments with REITs, which allow you to add residential or commercial real estate assets to your portfolio without the hassle of buying and managing the properties yourself.
Investment trusts
Choose from over 150 investment trusts to diversify your portfolio across a wide range of sectors, geographical areas and markets worldwide.
Simple pricing plans
Choose how you'd like to pay:
Save 17%
Save 17%
- Commission-free trades (other charges may apply. See full pricing table.)
- Trade USD & EUR stocks at the exchange rate + a 0.99% FX fee
- Fractional US Shares
- Access to more than 4,700 stocks, including the most popular shares and ETFs
- 1% AER on up to £1,000 uninvested cash
£59.88 billed annually
Billed monthly
Everything in Basic, plus:
- Full range of over 6,200 US, UK and EU stocks and ETFs
- Trade USD & EUR stocks at the exchange rate + a 0.59% FX fee
- Automated order types, including recurring orders
- Advanced stock fundamentals
- 3% AER on up to £2,000 uninvested cash
£119.88 billed annually
Billed monthly
Everything in Standard, plus:
- Trade USD & EUR stocks at the exchange rate + a 0.39% FX fee
- Priority customer service
- Freetrade Web beta
- 5% AER on up to £3,000 uninvested cash